FANTASTIC FICTION at KGB reading series, hosts Ellen Datlow and Matthew Kressel present:

Tom Monteleone & Lawrence C. Connolly, Next Wednesday, September 16th, 2015 at KGB Bar, 7pm.

61CghXJXjfL._SX373_BO1204203200_Tom Monteleone
Tom Monteleone sold his first short story in 1972. Since then, there have been more than a hundred others in magazines and anthologies. He’s written 30 novels including the NY Times bestseller The Blood of the Lamb; edited the award-winning Borderlands anthology series; won the Bram Stoker Award 4 times in 4 different categories; founded and helms the Borderlands Press Writers Boot Camp; loves to read his work to people like you. Despite being dragged kicking and screaming into his 60’s and losing his hair, he still thinks he is dashingly handsome. Humor him.




71R5ygv9RCL-200x300Lawrence C. Connolly
Lawrence C. Connolly’s books include the novels Veins and Vipers, the first two books of the Veins Cycle. Vortex, the third book in the series, was released late last year. Three collections of his short stories have been published: Visions, This Way to Egress, and Voices. Voices was a finalist for the Bram Stoker Award, Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection.

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015, 7pm at KGB Bar, 85 East 4th Street (just off 2nd Ave, upstairs.)

Partially sponsored by Cemetery Dance Publications ( and the following individuals and organizations:

Readings are always free.