nocturnal-activity-blurayNocturnal Activity
Directed by Steve Lawson
Starring: Raven Lee, Toni Lou Frost, Jonathan Hansler, Steven Dolton
SGL Entertainment
August, 2015
Reviewed by Jess Landry

I gauge how much I’ll enjoy a movie by how many boobs are shown in the first ten to twenty minutes (my boob threshold is zero – when you have some, they’re just not that interesting). Though to be fair, regardless of the boob count, I always (try) to watch a movie till its bitter end. In Nocturnal Activity, it takes about ten minutes before the first random boobage occurs (and it’s hella random), and about thirty minutes before any sort of spooky behaviour even goes down.

In what can loosely be defined as the “plot,” Annie needs a place to stay and finds herself drawn to a slum of an apartment complex. She discovers that someone was murdered in her new home, and it seems this apparition wants to take over her body to exact revenge upon those who did it wrong. Most of the ghostly activity happens while Annie is in the shower…lathering herself up for much longer than the average person would (there are three shower scenes in this movie. The timeline of the film spans over two days.). Throw in a little lesbian action plus an element of voyeurism, and you’ve got yourself a party.

So obviously, Nocturnal Activity is not a horror movie: it’s a low-budget, softcore porn (emphasis on soft) that throws in a spooky visitor for the hell of it. If you’re looking for something scary, it’d be best to look elsewhere, but if you’re looking for candle-lit shower scenes that get extra sudsy and go on for a bit longer than they should, this may be your new favourite movie.