MV5BNTA0ODQ5MTYyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTczODI5NTE@._V1_A Tricky Treat
Directed by Patricia Chica
Cast: Leonard Waldner, Andrea Fletcher, Keira McCarthy, Marco Reilly, Steve Brewster
May 15, 2015
Reviewed by Jess Landry

From her humble beginnings directing and producing short films and documentaries, to working with horror faves the Twisted Twins (a.k.a. Jen and Sylvia Soska, co-directors of American Mary) for the massive Women in Horror Month blood drive, director Patricia Chica’s name sure has been popping up a lot recently.

Her 2015 short, A Tricky Treat, tells a brief tale involving everyone’s favourite Hallowe’en tradition: carving jack-o-lanterns. To say any more would give too much away, but the fun little film is slightly reminiscent of one the vignettes in the now cult classic flick, Trick ‘r Treat.

A Tricky Treat is twisted good fun and an entertaining way to kill three minutes of your life.