Written and Directed by Timothy Vandenberg
Produced by John Machioni and Timothy Vandenberg
Reviewed by A. Renee Hunt

After being treated to movies that offer up anywhere from ninety minutes to two hours for a serious punch, I was pleasantly pleased to have been hit with eight minutes of Agatha. The movie lures you in with the innocence of a child, but leaves you with the surprise of monsters.

This short, independent film is amazing. From the ominous feel of the home, to the sadness that strikes you when it’s too late, it all worked together to create a magnificent piece! The director made sure to give you subtle hints, in hopes to possibly guess what’s to happen next, but you don’t pay attention to it. You’re too mesmerized by the situation. That’s movie art.

And the ending – wow! I can honestly say, I should have figured out what was going to happen, but happy I did not.