Sin City

Sin City

Finally a fresh breath of air out of the big budget guys, well not really but it sure seems that way. I have major respect for Robert Rodriguez, he's one of the only guys in Hollywood that shoots HD, You won't find him holding a film camera anymore. The man is an...

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Silver Night

Silver Night

"Silver Night" was a film that was written by a native Long Islander, So like every horror film that's shot in my own backyard, I'll always take the time to review them. Sadly enough though, I have a problem with Low budget vampire films. For some reason they never...

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Silent Scream (The Retreat)

Silent Scream (The Retreat)

A class of psychology students venture out to their ambitious professor’s winter retreat for a weekend in “Bumfuck, Michigan” as part of a mysterious experiment. A subjective camera prowls around the woods while a killer in a parka and gloves garrottes, beheads and...

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The Silent Scream

The Silent Scream

"SILENT SCREAM" had an infamous tag line, which read "When the terror is so sudden there is no time to scream." The trailer was a little longer then a minute and conjured up images of demons or ghouls in the mind of anyone that saw the trailer and it was disappointing...

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Silent Night, Deadly Night

Silent Night, Deadly Night

Synopsis Traumatized by his parents’ Christmas Eve rape and murder, little Billy Chapman is brutalized by sadistic orphanage nuns. When a grown-up Billy is forced to dress as jolly St. Nick, he goes on a yuletide rampage to punish the naughty. Santa Claus is coming to...

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Silent Hill

Silent Hill

Director Christophe Gans (Brotherhood of the Wolf) and screenwriter Roger Avary (Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, True Romance, The Rules of Attraction) come together to present a screen adaptation of the highly popular horror video game, Silent Hill. For whatever...

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The Signal

The Signal

Shot for peanuts on HDV, this movie from a three-strong writing/directing team is a potent slice of technological paranoia riffing on the best of nervy 70’s American horror while continuing the central themes of more recent fare like KAIRO/PULSE. Structured like an...

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Sick Nurses

Sick Nurses

A neat, lively exploitation flick that relishes the chance to riff on Asian ghost movie clichés by using lots of over-familiar elements (7-day curses, supernaturally empowered black hair everywhere, a vengeful ghost) to its own, pleasingly warped end. The...

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Sick Girl

Sick Girl

I've heard a lot of negative things from people about this film, many said it was the weakest of the films that the Master of Horror series had to offer. However while the story is kind of lame. Many people don't really know the good that Lucky McKee did with this...

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The Sick House

The Sick House

Horror Ghost stories are becoming just as big in the direct to DVD market as the over abundant generic vampire films. The Sick House unfortunately is just another one of those ghost films, however it does have an original concept, but still has the storyline of the...

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At it’s best tense and unsettling, this is a decent paranoid urban horror film in which a pair of hot girls (blonde Cameron Goodman, brunette Peyton List) arrive at a weirdly deserted Chicago airport, get hit on by two horny but harmless guys and make the fateful...

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SHUTTER is a yet another remake of an Asian horror film, this time the 2004 Thailand film of the same title, or as it's re-titled here on DVD in the U.S.A. as SHUTTER: THEY ARE AROUND US. The 2004 Thailand film did very well in the Asian box office, and of course that...

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The Shunned House

The Shunned House

Another H.P. Lovecraft adaptation film treads out of the Brain Damage Headquarters to breath down our necks and taunt us with gripping intensity and surreal mind fucks. A curious writer played by actor Giuseppe Lopruso and his overly hot nipple piercing girlfriend...

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Shower of Blood

Shower of Blood

Holy shit, this has to be the sexiest vampire movie I’ve ever seen. Every scantily clad woman in this movie is hot (you can tell they are strippers of some sort from they way they shower and fondle their breasts) from top to bottom, even when they are lying their in...

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Brett Piper never really gets that much respect, mainly because he makes very bad and very cheesy b-movies. However despite many of his last efforts. Shock-O-Rama is actually one hell of a dam good b-movie. Sure it's got bad acting. Sure it's got bad effects. But boy...

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