Horror can come in all different shapes and form. A horror movie does not have to be defined by blood guys, gore and monsters. It can also be defined as a situation that can relate to a real life situation. Something that makes us feel uneasy, or gives you that odd feeling that something just is not right, no matter how harmless it might seem. Straw Dogs is one of those films where all might seem right at first and miscommunication and way of living might be the thing that divides The Hollywood writer and his actress wife from the locals of a small southern town in which that actress grew up in. However, as we find out in this tale all is not as it seems.

Straw Dogs follows screen writer David Sumner (James Marsden) and his wife Amy (Kate Bosworth) , back to Amy’s hometown after the death of her father. David and Amy plan to use her childhood home as a getaway spot where David can finish his World War II Screenplay away from the glam of Hollywood. While in town, they run into a few folks that Amy has known her whole life, some people she is happy to see, while other not so much including her ex-boyfriend Charlie (Alexander Skarsgård). Unfortunately for her, Charlie and his construction crew have won the bid to fix up the barn roof and other pieces of the property for David and Amy. Meanwhile a local man with a disability named Jeremy Niles(Dominic Purcell) has a crush on a high school cheerleader. Her father happens to be the local drunk and former football coach Tom Heddon (James Woods). All seems well for David and Amy; however David finds the lifestyle of people in the south to be different from his upbringing in the city. Yet, as thing progress Charlie and his band of friends begin to make life miserable for the couple and things begin to get violent and out of hand. However, when David hits Jeremy with his car and tries to get him some medical attention, Tom Heddon goes on a wild mission to find his daughter knowing that she is with Jeremy somewhere. With the help of Charlie and his crew they find their way back to David and Amy’s house and in lynch mob like fashion they storm the place looking for Jeremy. However, David and Amy have had enough and they stand their ground and prepare for the fight of their lives.

That was a very hard synopsis to write without giving away to much of the plot. There is a lot going on in this story and although I have never seen the original 1971 film starring Dustin Hoffman; I know the stories have a similar plot line but take place in two different parts of the world. This version takes place in the deep south of the Mississippi swampland. The story has a lot of uneasy twists and turns and some scenes that just make you feel helpless. It is a story that keeps your eye glued to the screen the whole time. The mix of character and story development is equally balanced. The acting in the film is also very good, as well as the directing and set design. It is overall a very well put together film.

The Blu-ray disc has a few special features which include Four featurettes: Courting Controversy: Remaking a Classic, The Dynamics of Power: Cast, Inside the Siege: Stunts and Creating the Sumner House: Production Design. There is also commentary with Writer/Director Rod Lurie.

Overall, Straw Dogs is a solid film with a good balance of story, character development and perfect uneasy tension to add to that dramatic feel of good old fashion thriller with horror like elements. This is a must see thriller and is well worth checking out.

– Horror Bob