As much as I can’t stand the look of digital video; to the point where I usually shut off a lot of films that are shot on it. I must admit that even though it bothered the shit out of me; that Stupid Teenagers Must Die is a pretty decent low budget flick.

The plot is kind of crazy, yet simple. the first films that come to mind to compare this movie too are Night of the Living Dead, Night of the Demons and Jason Goes to Hell. In a nutshell the movie is about a group of kids about seventeen to twenty two years old who all meet up in the house of a dead serial killer. They attempt to contact the spirit of the deceased murderer by means of a Orji board. Well when the token black guy of the film flips out over the ordeal, things begin to happen in the house. we’re told that the séance didn’t occur, yet something keeps possessing our group, and turning them into mindless zombies and making them kill one another. Now in order to get out of the house alive they must solve the mystery behind what’s going on.

The thing about this film is that it was made to poke fun at the teenage slasher films of the 1980’s and 90’s. It’s got plenty of pointless nudity, stupid characters walking into dark rooms using cliché lines to describe the scenario. The characters are also simple and are put into a class system such as the hot girl, the nerds, the tough guy etc… So pretty much you get the hint as to where the director and the writers are going with this film.

Although I didn’t care much for the overall production value, which I found to be very poor, which is the case with most no budget movies. I did think that the overall acting and directing were very good. The way in which the cast took their characters and worked them into the story is what impressed me. Most of the time with low budget films, the cast is full of amateur actors or the directors friends, and usually the acting is piss poor. Surprisingly enough, it’s the actors that keep this film going.

In terms of special effects and production value, don’t expect much. The movie overall production value is pretty poor and the make-up effects look like something from a Halloween make-up kit. But something tells me that it was meant to be that way, but still it’s my job to point it out.

Overall, this film is actually not half bad for a no budget b-movie. The best scene in the movie is at the very end, which was funny as hell, and won me over. If your into horror comedies or just want to watch a film that pokes fun at the dumb things we see characters do in a horror film, than this movie is for you. I don’t think that’s it’s a film for everyone and can see fans of Troma movies falling in love with this film. I think this film would probably do well on a distribution label such as Shock-O-Rama or Camp Motion Pictures.

– Horror Bob