I’ll admit that after buying the DVD for Joe Dante’s first contribution to the Master of Horror series, Homecoming, that I was not impressed with it at all. Most of your e-mails I got saying I’m to conservative and what have you, and that was my reason for the bad review, but in truth like I replied to all of you is that I’m sick of hearing about the war, the president and all that shit that goes along with the political arena. However The Screwfly Solution although it has it’s political undertones deals more with women rights and social issues. Thing is I actually enjoyed this film the second time around; Yes I watched it twice.

The Screwfly Solution is basically about the sex wars, but in terms of an extremely violent and murderous sex wars. What happened is that there is a virus going around the world turning males into lady killers. Two scientists (Jason Priestley & Elliott Gould) are trying to stop it, by figuring out where the source is coming from. They believe it to be something that is being transmitted by the screwfly, however there is higher source responsible. With time running out Alan (Priestly) tells his wife to take his daughter and head North, He also tells her not to trust any man, even himself. The films comes to a pretty surprising end, one that I won’t dare spoil for the viewers.

The script is based on a short story by James Tiptree Jr. Written by Sam Hamm, the script is very detailed in explaining the overall plot, and storyline. Joe Dante took this script and made it his own while making this film to give us one hell of a Masters of Horror episode.

The acting is actually pretty good, Joe Dante proves that he can not only be a spectacular director visually but that he can also make his actors believe in his vision. Elliott Gould was the first actor that surprised me, we mostly see him in comedy films, and I have to admit that he really took his role in this film and gave it his all. Jason Priestley was yet another actor who surprised me, I’ll admit it, I thought after 90210 that he would forever live in the shadow of that show. But he shined in this film and was very believable as Alan. Kerry Norton of Battlestar Galactia fame stole the show, as women in a man’s world trying to survive. My hats off to the cast of this film for doing a great job with this script.

The production value of this film is pretty good. Joe Dante actually chose to shoot on High Definition video rather than shoot on film. His reason was that he wanted the actual film to feel like it was being seen though the eyes of both men and women. The good thing is though is that even though the film has a “real Life” feel to it, it still looks just as good as film rather than the flat look that regular digital throws off. So don’t worry, the production value of the overall film still looks good. The sets and overall visuals of the film look alright, some of the stuff does screw low budget at times, but don’t forget this is a shot for television film, so we can’t expect big sets and fine detailed locations.

As far as the overall Special Effects and CGI go, I’ll say this; The make-up effects are decent, nothing great, but not that bad either. The CGI which comes in at the end may turn a few people off, but if you look at the fine details, and I urge anyone who really gets into this film to watch the documentaries on the DVD after you watch the film. You’ll see the great overall detail in the CGI and you’ll find a shocking revelations that has something to do with the title of the film. I won’t spoil it for you, but take my word if you didn’t see the movie.

In the end, I have to say that Joe Dante made a pretty good “smart horror” film. Not only is it a good film to watch, but it does present some sociopolitical views, views that we’re dealing with every day as human beings. One can also say that it’s a film that is not only against anti-feminism, but also anti biological warfare. It’s well worth checking out and the DVD is full of some great behind the scenes stuff.

– Horror Bob