Finally a fresh breath of air out of the big budget guys, well not really but it sure seems that way. I have major respect for Robert Rodriguez, he’s one of the only guys in Hollywood that shoots HD, You won’t find him holding a film camera anymore. The man is an inspiration to all independent filmmakers, he takes risks with new technology and styles of filmmaking to bring us the viewers into worlds that we can only dream of being in.

“Sin City” is a masterpiece of film noir, it’s sure to be a great film that deserves to be up there right beside the likes of such films as “Citizen Kane”. Frank Miller’s vision of a city filled with corruption and crime, shows us how cruel and unfair our own world can be. How sometimes the people we consider to be the greatest are the most dirtiest bastards in the world, and how the people we look down on, have the fight in their souls to defend the very goodness that lies within the human condition.

Now you might wonder how a film that was directed by three different people could be any good. So much conflict going on, etc… Well it’s simple, “Sin City” is divided into three different stories that are all intertwined with one another. All the characters in the film, eventually all cross paths, some of them without even acknowledging one another throughout the whole film. But the whole thing is that it all takes place in the same city, each character has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. I personally found myself feeling for all of them. For the good guys of the film, The true heroes! I had everything from sympathy for them, to getting right down and dirty with them in the fight scenes. The bad guys made me scared, ( I never thought in my entire life I would be so scared of the guy who played Frodo Baggins. Elijah Woods! Dam was he scary in this film). and sometimes I felt like going right though the movie screen and kicking the crap out of some of them myself. Benicio Del Toro played the character of Jack Rafferty so well, he actually made me angry the way he was treating some of the women in the film. The script is top notch people, it’s very plot and character driven. One hell of a screenplay.

Acting! Of course it was nothing but excellent. Everyone was great, I honestly smell Oscars on some of the performances in this film, God it reeks of it! just like “Yellow Bastard”. (Need to see the film to know what I’m talking about). Academy are you listening? I swear if this film does not get any nods I’ll be convinced the Oscars are fixed every year. Well in any case in my eyes they all deserve one.

Directing wise, well what can I say that I haven’t already said. Frank Miller did a great job for his first time directing. Robert Rodriguez as always is awesome. (Then again Robert Rodriguez could of made “Spice World” and I would of liked it.) And how can we forget the man who bought us “Kill Bill”, Quentin Tarantino. Its so obvious the scenes he directed in the film, because we get some great graphic violence.

Well how about those special effects you must be asking yourself. Well yes the film was made using a lot of CGI, but let me tell you something, the movie looked excellent, the use of colors to display the characters emotions and so on really made the film look great. And talk about blood and gore, We get more blood and gore than we do in most horror films in “Sin City”, and the best thing about it, is that it’s done with taste.

Overall, “Sin City” is by far one of the best film I’ve seen all year. I’m probably going to talk about it for a while on the site and message board. So get your asses to the theaters and check out this flick. Even if you never read the graphic novel, (Which I myself have never read.) you will still enjoy the great cinematic action and beauty that is “Sin City”. Don’t wait for it to hit DVD, go to the theaters and see it now.

-Horror Bob

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