With a weird title and a strange boxcover, Shockheaded might seem like a weird spaced out film to some. However the story is more different than the box art makes you believe it is. The story is about a loner (Noble) who lives in a rundown hotel. Someone keeps sliding odd notes under his door, that tell him to do things. He has weird dreams about a white mask, and there are two strange detectives that keep visiting him in not so pleasant ways. Noble then meets this weird guy who tells him he can solve the mystery of what’s going on. Noble’s told to find a women who will then lead him to the answers. However things are not that easy and Noble ends up seeing things and ending up in places he does not want to go.

Is it me or does that mask on the box cover look awfully facular? I just can’t put my finger on it, but it looks like so villain from a marvel comic book. Anyway I think that the artwork on the box cover is pretty freaky, but I swear it’s something we’ve all seen before. But enough with that.

“Shockheaded” is kind of like a David Lynch film, it’s all strange and is very dark in that film noir sense. The film is shot very well and the tension that this director Eric Thornett brings to this film, would make Hitchcock proud. Hell your’s truly here jumped a few times watching this flick. The script is pretty decent too, filled with a lot of character development and a strange and twisty plot.

The acting in this film varies, most of the actors in this film are for the most part a bunch of unknowns, however they do a pretty decent job bringing their characters to life. The effects are not that bad, I mean there’s really not much going on in terms of effects but that dam mask is scary. The Production value is pretty decent for a mid-low budget film. I mean it’s nothing great, but it helps with the mood of the story.

Overall “Shockheaded” is a pretty decent flick. It full of some great thrill and plenty of tension. It’s a film that I think fans of David Lynch will enjoy as well as fans of Hitchcock’s films as well. I for one liked the dark undertones this film has. It’s a very uncomfortable film to watch, and will keep you guessing until the very end.

– Horror Bob