Wow!!!! What a rush of a film. In the likes of Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill series and Reservoir Dogs, “Running Scared” is full of violence, killing, and a lot of blood and death. It’s full of some many plot twists, you might have to watch the film twice to understand what’s going on. I mean there are so many plot twists in this film that you’ll be on the edge of your seat in awe. I mean that’s how crazy this film is. And on a side note, Yes! this film is not a horror film, but like I said above it’s got that Tarantino style. So yes, the film is more violent than usual.

Without giving to much of the plot away, (Because I don’t want to ruin it for you guys and gals). “Running Scared” is about a guy whom, after himself and his mob crew kill two dirty cops, is told by his high ranking mob partner to get rid of the murder weapon (A one of a kind hand gun.) However instead of dumping it in the river, he hides it in his basement, unaware that his son and his friend are hiding out down there. And his son’s friend takes the gun and goes and shots his step father with it. Well from there the film become one big giant chase trying to get this gun back before the cops find out it’s the murder weapon, and the mob finds out the gun is not yet disposed of. We are taken on a rollercoaster ride as the gun is passed along to all different stranger over an eighteen hour period.

Paul Walker is one hell of an actor, I don’t care what anyone says, he becoming one of the better action stars on the screen. Yeah he’s got that pretty boy look, but in a few years I think he’ll become the next Brad Pitt. However I think he’ll be the better actor out of the two. In this film he’s the lead, Joey Gazelle, whom is a character that we all can relate too. However as good as Paul Walker was in this film, his supporting cast was nothing other than perfect. young actor Cameron Bright was another actor in this film that was brilliant, for a young actor this part was tough to play, and this kid did an awesome job.

Overall, I have to say that this film, disturbing as it was. Really makes you think about all the bad shit that goes on in the world, and how the people living right next store to you, might not be the people you think they are. There is one scene in this film, that really could of been cut from the film as it’s kind of a mini-sub plot. But this little sub plot will probably be the part of the film, where you’ll be happy with the conclusion. My wife and I, cheered, but were terrified but the past that the scene holds. Personally this is by far one of the best films I’ve seen this year, and is one I’m glad is now part of my DVD collection. This is a must own film for hardcore Tarantino’ fans. One of the best films of the year.

– Horror Bob