You know what? Requiem is a very hard film to review from the perspective of a horror fan. Sure the film is based on the story that inspired the film The Exorcism of Emily Rose, but this film in no way has the emotion or the effects that Emily rose had. In fact to call Requiem a horror film is kind of a false statement. Sure it’s about a girl whom may or may not have been possessed by demons, but the film is more or less an art house film, that presents itself in more of what I took in as a docudrama, judge for yourself film. There is no gore or over the top murder scenes. In fact you don’t see any kind of demons or effects in this film at all.

Requiem is a film that was shot in Germany, and yes the film it’s self is in German, so you will have to read subtitles. The film is about a girl named Michaela whom has struggled with epilepsy and a troubled religious upbringing. When she get’s older she decides to leave her small town and go away to college, all seems well at first, because we all know the change a young adult gets when they are let go from the nest they call home and set out into the real world of college. Most kids enjoy college life, while others are not quote ready for it. In Michaela case it only makes her epilepsy worse, and sends her on a downward spiral of depression which leads to a major nervous breakdown. She then begins to see visions and hear voices. they drive her so mad she eventually seeks help from a priest who believes she is possessed and will do anything he can to help rid her of these demons that have attached themselves to her. However as time flashes by, Michaela is driven deeper and deeper into her own private madness. And the church will try to do all that they can to fight the evil growing inside her. Or is it evil at all? Or just a severe case of insanity. The idea for this film is based on a true story.

Overall, in terms of style and filmmaking, Requiem is a very well produced film. The acting, directing and overall photography is top notch. The film is very well made, and the script is short and simple. It’s a plot that straight to the point, with no over the top side plots or scenes that don’t belong. It’s a direct, straight forward film, that tell the story. The problem however is that I look at Requiem as more of an art house type film than a horror film.

While the overall film is very well made, and the story does leave one uneasy. I can’t say that this is a film that horror fans are going to open their arms too. I honestly think that the majority of horror fans will actually shut this film off, or not even watch it at all. There is no gore, no demonic effects like we have in films like The Exorcist or The Exorcism of Emily Rose. In fact their is really only one scene in which Michaela flips out, and it does not involve any kind of over the top horror effects at all. It’s basically just a bunch of yelling, screaming and jumping around.

So overall, a well made film from the perspective of film critic, but as for the fans of horror. Like I said above; it won’t be welcomed as a horror film to remember. Sure it has it’s haunting elements, but if your looking for a film that involves exorcisms and possession, then stick with The Exorcist or The Diary of Emily Rose.

– Horror Bob