When Zombies Attack issue number two is just as great as the first one. I wish that they would be able to release them on a monthly basis, but we all know how hard it is to bust a comic book month to month when your part of an independent company. I just hope someone realizes the potential this comic book has and become a financial backer to get it going on a monthly basis.

The one thing I like about the over comic is that it has a great overall glossy finish, just like the big companies put theirs out like. It’s nice and think and feels almost like a graphic novel. The artwork and pictures that accompany the story are wonderful. There is some great use of brilliant bright colors which complement the overall appearance of the comic.

The story is pretty much the same as the movie and the first comic, but it’s more of the everyday life at P.M.A.C., this time not only do we get to go out on the beat with them, but we also get to go inside their headquarters and their lab. We learn about how they experiment on zombies ala Day of the Dead style. We also go out on the beat with officer Frank. We’re taken into a comic boo store that has been overrun by a zombie fan boy with an aquaman tee-shirt on. And to a taco stand to catch a zombie.

One thing that’s great about the comic is that you get more than just the story. You also get a cool newspaper article, a Rogues Gallery page with wanted zombies profiles, and some sketch art by Mike Huddleston. Overall the second issue of When Zombies Attack is well worth the buy. It’s a must for all zombie fans.

– Horror Bob