“P.M.A.C.: When Zombies Attack” was a film I reviewed last year, it took the reality television shoe cops and turned it into a cops show where instead of going after criminals the police went after zombies and investigated zombie activity.

Well now the P.M.A.C. team has made their film into a comic book, and boy does it look promising. As with most comics the basis of the plot and character needs to be explained and developed so that reader of the comic will be able to learn the background of the main characters and the comic. The first issue does that, and although it may not be the best comic book dialogue wise, there are plenty of great visual eye candy within the detailed art work. My only complaint would be that most of the artwork is in black and white, but I’m sure in the future when the comic starts to make money that future issues will be in color, at least I hope so. Overall it’s a great read and has all the effects of the film. If you haven’t seen the film I’d advise you check it out before buying the comic book.

-Horror Bob