Director Brad Anderson has quickly made a name for himself. His films The Machinist and Session 9 have been hits with not only horror fans but with critics and moviegoers as well. Sounds Like is Anderson’s contribution to the Masters of Horror series, and to be honest it’s one of the better episodes of the series. Now I know a lot of horror fans that didn’t care much for this film, however their just that, fans. Anyone with a background in film will see this movie and automatically think that Alfred Hitchcock himself rose from the grave and directed this episode. Because “Sounds Like” is not really much of a horror film, but a great over the top psychological thriller.

Sounds Like is about a guy named Larry Pearce (Chris Bauer), a call center supervisor whom has the job of listening in on all of the employees calls to make sure they are doing their job right, and not dwelling in personal calls and such. Larry is kind of a pompous asshole. He walks around with his head held high at work and many of the people under him can’t stand him. Little do people know that the tragic death of his young son has really put him into a state of depression. Due to this event in Larry’s life his hearing begins to get better and better to the point where he can hear sounds that a normal human being can’t hear. However as the sounds get louder and louder they begin to drive Larry insane, and the worst they get Larry begins to lose his grip on his life and begins to take action in trying to quit anything around him.

There is some really good acting in this film. Actor Chris Bauer ( 8mm) was perfect in his role of Larry Pearce. Everything from his facial expressions to the self arrogance of the character, Bauer pulled off perfectly. it was almost as if he was born to play this role. Actress Laura Margolis (TV’s Monk) played the role of Larry’s bubbly wife Brenda. She also did a great job with her role, however I think as a women many would believe she is too good looking for a character such as Larry, however it worked out well, as Brenda is not such a bright character in the film and it shows just how manipulating of a person Larry is.

The film’s production value was nothing special. I mean it was good for what the script called for, but don’t expect anything over the top in terms of set design costumes and art direction. Pretty much the whole film took place in Larry’s home, place of work and in a park in which he was able to escape the sounds that haunted him. In terms of special make-up effects and visuals, director Brad Anderson relied more on suspense and psychology to scare his audience than he did with the use of blood and gore. There is some blood in the film, but nothing too serious.

Overall, Director Brad Anderson once again delivers us a very well made film. Sounds Like may not be a film for fans of the genre that need their fix of blood and gore, but it will please the fans the appreciate the less is more routine and are big fans of Alfred Hitchcock’s work. This film kind of plays a bit like Hitchcock’s Vertigo, but instead of a fear of heights, its the fear of sound. This is one Masters of Horror episode that’s well worth the buy, especially if your a fan of Andersen’s or Hitchcock’s work.

– Horror Bob