“The Shaft” pushes itself box cover wise, using the art of the Ring and star of “The Ring” Naomi Watts. Although we don’t get to even see Watts until about 20 min. into the film.

“The Shaft,” also titled “Down” over seas, is one of those films that’s hard to get into. It is supposed to be a remake of a 1983 film titled “The Lift” (Which I never saw but heard it’s better). the film has some funny moments as well as some great gore and kill scenes, the script is not that great and some of the characters are not that greatly developed, the story gets a bit crazy and confusing towards the end and by the time I was finished watching the film I was confused about it, but did not have the feel to watch the film again.

Overall can’t say I recommend renting it, Naomi Watts is a good looking women, but I say rent “The Ring” again.

-Horror Bob