Sleepaway Camp

Sleepaway Camp

Robert Hiltzik’s filmography is based around one film, Sleepaway Camp. The director made the film for only 350,000 dollars at the tender age of twenty-five. Its opening weekend in New York toppled what many viewed as horror in and of itself, Barbara Streisand’s Yentl....

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I always often wonder about films that slip[ though the cracks here at The Horror Review, and sometimes, when they do, I get a bit pissed off that the producers of these films never read the site requirements. This would of been the case with this film, We would of...

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You pretty much know that when a film starring Casper Van Dien comes your way, that it most likely will be airing on the Sci-fi channel or has already. In this case Slayer premiered to the world on television back in July of this year. Now, yes it's true, most of...

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Slaughter High

Slaughter High

George Dugdale and Mark Ezra’s epic horror masterpiece, based on the Academy Award-winning screenplay by Ezra and Peter Mackenzie Litten, is a virtuoso performance in every . . . sorry, couldn’t help it. Let’s see, what do you get when you take a group of Brits...

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Slaughter Disc.

Slaughter Disc.

You know, this the second hardcore porn horror film I've been sent, but by far this is the worst one. Not only is it graphic hardcore porn, but it is very violent and gory. To be honest, I hate films like this. The truth is that I see no artistic value in horror porn,...

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Slaughter Disc.

Slaughter Disc.

I love the concept of cross-breeding hardcore and horror; hell, if you’re going to make a film with any degree of extremity, why not go all the way? Especially if you’re an independent – what have you got to lose? You can always put together a more boring picture...

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When a film is based on true events you know that filmmakers decided to take the liberty to enhance the story and give it a more entertaining twist. In some cases it works and in others not quite so much. In the case of SLAUGHTER its a toss up while the film does have...

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The inclusion of the words “Reshoot Crew” during the end credits of a movie will always ring some pretty loud alarm bells. By the time the unfortunate viewer has endured the cinematic Mogadon that is SKINWALKERS, however, the credit wont come as a surprise. The kind...

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Skinned Deep

Skinned Deep

Bad acting, unique characters and character designs, and corny gory greatness are all present in Skinned Deep, the latest mass of low-budget horror to be released under Fangoria’s Gorezone Video label. Skinned Deep takes the tried-and-true Texas Chainsaw Massacre...

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Skin Crawl

Skin Crawl

Skin Crawl is a film that's right up your ally if your a fan of the television series Dark Shadows. Unfortunately for this film, I could never stand the look of the show, nonetheless the stories that used to bore me so much as child. And they still do. Honestly the...

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The Skeleton Key

Meh. That simple, single-syllable word repeated itself at least a hundred times during my viewing of “The Skeleton Key,” the latest in Hollywood’s line of PG-13 “atmosphere-over-gore” horror (or “psychological thriller”) films. “Key” has three good things going for...

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The Skeleton Key

If Rob Reiner’s Misery where to have a one-night stand with Iain Softley’s The Wings of a Dove, the coupling would more than likely produce the latter’s own The Skeleton Key. The British director’s gothic thriller is a meditation upon observer expectation and bias...

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