

I think if horror fans made one mistake last year it was not supporting this movie, P2 while it was in theaters. I myself did not have much faith in this film at all either. The trailer looked like every other horror/thriller film out there. The film was not promoted...

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I have yet to see the movie [REC] which Quarantine is supposed to be the remake of. Many who have seen it told me that [REC] is the better movie, but if that's the case then it must be really good, because Quarantine is a pretty dam good movie. It is not really...

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REC or no REC, this swiftly unleashed, yet somehow - inevitable U.S. remake is a relentlessly intense, genuinely frightening slice of hand-held, first-person horror. Like its Spanish forerunner, which it very faithfully reworks, it combines the fashionable shaki-cam...

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Q: The Winged Serpent

Q: The Winged Serpent

At first, Larry Cohen’s winged, or in the film’s terminology, “plumed” serpent, the Mesoamerican god Quetzalcoatl, or “Q” for short, is merely a wry mock-up of latter-day Ray Harryhausen monster features. However, what would at first seem to be a film which places a...

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Running Scared

Wow!!!! What a rush of a film. In the likes of Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill series and Reservoir Dogs, "Running Scared" is full of violence, killing, and a lot of blood and death. It's full of some many plot twists, you might have to watch the film twice to...

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The Ruins

The Ruins

Terror has evolved. The Ruins was a bestseller from the author of A Simple Plan, Sam Raimi later adapted the book into one hell of an outstanding film. In this outing, a group of college students venture into an uncharted area where there’s supposed to be an ancient...

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The Ruins

The Ruins

Two years ago I was sent Scott Smith's novel The Ruins to review, I also ran a giveaway on the site and gave away a few copies to readers from the site. I loved the book and praised the hell out of it. (Review Here). When I heard that the best selling novel was going...

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The Ruins

The Ruins

Two years ago I was sent Scott Smith's novel The Ruins to review, I also ran a giveaway on the site and gave away a few copies to readers from the site. I loved the book and praised the hell out of it. (Review Here). When I heard that the best selling novel was going...

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The high concept premise makes RUBBER sound like a uniquely pared-down variation on supernaturally hostile car movies like THE CAR and CHRISTINE. The range of juicy (and wonderful) exploding heads suggest an 80’s-infused splatter comedy. Truth is, this distinctive,...

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Manhunt (Rovdyr)

Manhunt (Rovdyr)

Four attractive young people pick the wrong wooded area and time period (it’s the summer of 1974 - just don’t go out at all, guys!) to go hiking and wind up sadistically tormented and murdered by an anonymous, silent group of local lunatics in this commendable,...

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Take one rottweiler, beat it into a bloody pulp, resurrect it with mechanical parts, and what do you get? A dose of awesomeness, for sure—but more specifically, Brain Yuzna’s (he of Bride of Re-Animator, Beyond Re-Animator, Return of the Living Dead 3, and The Dentist...

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Rotten Shaolin Zombies

Rotten Shaolin Zombies

This over the top short film pokes fun at horror and kung-fu films. I loved every second of it. On a low budget scale it's pretty good, the gore and effects are not that bad, but they are very over the top. It's hard to explain how funny the film is, some people might...

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R.O.T. (Reunion of Terror)

R.O.T. (Reunion of Terror)

According to the Production Notes included on the DVD for ROT: REUNION OF TERROR, this film took six years of blood, sweat, and weather-related mishaps to come to fruition. Also, the Making Of featurette actually shows some of the movie’s many roadblocks—engine fires,...

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Rosemary’s Baby

Rosemary’s Baby

Roman Polanski’s first American film (the second part of his apartment trilogy, including Repulsion and The Tenant), Rosemary’s Baby, is arguably one of three (George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead and Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho being the others), cinematic works of...

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Room 6

Room 6

I have only one thing to say, thank god I watched this film after I got surgery on my back. Because I hate going to the doctor as it is, and this film is all about hospitals and evil doctors and nurses. Probably not the best film to watch if your going to be spending...

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