Path of Evil

Path of Evil

Ok so I didn't know they remade Halloween under a different title, hell they had me fooled. In all serious this film is in fact almost a cop off of Halloween, with a few exceptions. What I first found out about this film however is that it is in fact a sequel to a...

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Path of Evil

Path of Evil

I know it’s one thing to copy another movies premise but to actually use the exact character from a huge influential film such as HALLOWEEN, is absurd. The cover of the movie itself, you would think it is just an episode of HALLOWEEN. Like they say though, you can’t...

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Co-writers Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor are the guys that brought you the riotously fun CRANK and they bring a similar level of anything-goes exploitation movie vigor to this relish ably sour mainstream thriller. Its premise owes debts to earlier medical student...

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I have to give the creators of PATHOLOGY some credit for coming up with a somewhat original idea for a horror/thriller that comes off as a smart horror film, but one that gets seriously trippy and sadistic as it moves on. What can be said about this film is that it...

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Every once in a while it's always nice to sit down and watch a period piece film. The majority of period pieces usually consist of stories about the Roman or Greeks. However Pathfinder is one that steps beyond the boundaries of the European empire and into the new...

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The Passion of the Christ

The Passion of the Christ

Mel Gibson’s blockbuster, The Passion of the Christ, became the most widely viewed horror film in the history of the genre shortly after its release as droves upon hordes upon crowds pummeled out of Church busses in hopes of meeting their guilt-ridden obligation to do...

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It's very rare that I'll dislike a movie right from the beginning and then love the ending of the film, but such is the case with PASSENGERS. This film dragged so much at the beginning I fell asleep a few times only for my wife to nudge me and wake me up reminding me...

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The Passage

The Passage

The Passage is not a horror film, But it's a film full of blood and has so gory elements so I agreed to review it. the film is kind of a lot like "Reservoir Dogs" however the story is different, we have people getting killed all over the place even young teenage...

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It’s perhaps a sign of unwarranted egomania for the director of FEARDOTCOM to bill his latest movie on-screen as “William Malone’s Parasomnia”, but Malone’s whacked-out, bloody head-trip is a DVD premier worth catching. Set against an audio backdrop of Nicolas Pike’s...

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Paranormal Activity 2

Paranormal Activity 2

Paramount’s swiftly-generated sequel to their memorable no-budget lo-fi sleeper hit of 2009 shares a one-year turnaround with another found-footage follow-up, Joe Berlinger’s much-maligned BOOK OF SHADOWS : BLAIR WITCH 2. The similarities end there, as this sequel is...

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Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity

Hunting ghosts is at its prime. Many once thought that ghosts and demons were just folklore, that they simply didn’t exist. Anyone who said that they believed in ghosts either was trying to make a buck off their so-called true story or was simply crazy in the eyes of...

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A horror film that takes place aboard a spaceship or on another planet has always been a crapshoot when it comes to quality. Usually, within this very small subgenre, there are either great films, like Event Horizon or Aliens, or duds like Jason X and Hellraiser:...

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I think if horror fans made one mistake last year it was not supporting this movie, P2 while it was in theaters. I myself did not have much faith in this film at all either. The trailer looked like every other horror/thriller film out there. The film was not promoted...

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