Eye for an Eye B. D. Prince Ghastly Press (October 8, 2024) Reviewed by Carson Buckingham Eye for an Eye by B. D. Prince is a collection of two novellas, and though the book is slim, there is nothing thin about either of the stories—they both pack a punch. I read it...
Horror Movie Paul Tremblay William Morrow (June 11, 2024) Reviewed by Carson Buckingham The novel opens in 1993 with four friends…well, let me amend that. It’s more like three friends and a fourth that they keep around to bully and torture. And that fourth friend,...
The Lebo Coven Stephen Mark Rainey Macabre Ink (September 11, 2024) Reviewed by Carson Buckingham Stephen Mark Rainey hits it out of the park again with The Lebo Coven. When you have creepy goings-on in a small town, warring witch contingents, and a black-hearted...
The Gods of Moab Stephen Mark Rainey Damned Rodan Publishing (June 23, 2024) Reviewed by Carson Buckingham Though this book is small, it is truly mighty and will have you on the edge of your seat all the way to the end. I blew through it twice and it still scared me...
You Like It Darker Stephen King Scribner (May 21, 2024) Reviewed by Carson Buckingham He’s Baaaaaaaaacckk! Now this is more like the Uncle Stevie we all know and love. Aside from his early work, King really shines with his mastery of short story writing. This book is...