“The Coast Guard” is by no means a horror film at all, in fact it maybe can be classified as a Thriller, but it’s more of a war story than anything. I guess probably the best way to describe this film is that you can probably relate some of the characterization to films characters to say characters in films like “Full Metal Jacket” and “Apocalypse Now”. Mainly because it deals with the psychology of warfare, and what war and conflict can do to a man. However it is not as graphic in nature as the above mentioned films are.

I really don’t want to make this review a long one, because after all this is a horror site. But this movie has some pretty good acting, great photography and top notch production value. There are some great make-up and CGI effects as well, when it comes to some of the war related scenes, which there really are not a lot of.

Overall if your into war flicks and would like to experience watching a war film from Korea, then I say “The Coast Guard” is a film that you would enjoy watching. It’s brutal at just the right times, yet is not so over the top that it becomes almost unbelievable.

-Horror Bob