With a title like “Motor Home Massacre” how can actually take a film of that title seriously. I for one liked the box cover art that Lion Gates had produced in order to sell this film on DVD. It really looked like a grind house picture. However, it’s far from it.

Motor Home Massacre is about a group of teenage kids whom go on a trip in a motor home and plan to camp out at a camp ground a ways from their home town. Little do they know that the night before, a murder was committed, and after entering the park the local park rangers won’t let them leave because of a lock down. They each start getting offed one by one by a mysteries killer.

Alright folks, so you want to know what the deal is with this film? I’ll give it to you straight. As far as everything goes with the overall production value of the film, its just plan terrible. There are so many continuity errors that after a while I found myself counting them. The acting is bad, hell it seemed like the whole cast overacted to the point where they might as well just stopped and asked the script supervisor what their next line was. The effects were very simple and nothing that a simple amateur effects person can’t do. So if your looking to rent this film and expect big things from it, you’ll be solely disappointed.

Now on another note, if all the above does not bother you. Well then you’ll have a blast watching this film. I mean I actually sat though this film and had a great time watching it. As a critic, I’m always trying to find what wrong with a picture that I don’t like and why I’m not enjoying myself. Yes! This film reeked of bad filmmaking, however after getting into the film, I finally realized that the director whole purpose of making this film was the fact that it was a movie that made fun of bad b-movies, by being a bad b-movie it’s self. To put it bluntly; this film was so bad it was good. There is one scene in this film where you will finally realize that the film is actually a spoof. I won’t give it away, but lets say that it involves a nerdy guy named Benji and our hot lead tied up in the back of the motor home while trying to get a knife out of Benji’s pocket.

So overall, yeah from a filmmaking point of view, this movie broke every rule in the book, and offered horror fans nothing but the normal, typical horror plot of dumb teenage kids going into the woods to die. There’s plenty of sex, drugs and booze to go around in this flick. Simply put, it spoofs on all the stupid teenage horror films. On the flipside the film comical errors pay off and make one hell of an entertaining film that’s so bad you just can’t stop watching it. The film ends on an odd note, which some people might not catch on too, however make sure that you watch the whole film and understand the characters background before you try to understand the last scene in the film. It’s kind of out of nowhere, but, you’ll get the hint. So in a nutshell, if your into movies that are so bad that their good, then you’ll probably get a kick out of Motor Home Massacre.

– Horror Bob